Minggu ini penuh dengan memori anjing2 yang comel dan fluffy. Usai memonton 2 versi filem Hachiko iaitu Hachiko A Dog Story (2009) dan Hachiko Monogatari (1987). Versi Hollywood ternyata pandai merobek emosi hingga bengkak mata saya pagi ni. Sungguh tidak adil, anjing yang tiada dialog dan tidak menangis telah membuatkan saya menangis. Versi Jepun ternyata membuatkan penonton merasa lebih dekat dengan Hachiko. Sifat penyayang Professor Ueno Hidesaburὅ dan masyarakat sekitar Shibuya membuatkan anda mahu menonton lagi dan lagi.
Pemandangan sebelum perang dunia ke-2 di Jepun sungguh mengasyikkan. Terasa mahu turut sekali menaiki tren Jepun zaman itu mungkin untuk membandingkan perkhidmatan KTM dan Jepun di zaman 20-an. Kematian Professor Ueno mungkin hanya mewakili 30% klimaks sahaja tetapi kehidupan Hachiko selepas ketiadaan tuan-nya membuatkan hati lebih tersentuh(*sorry, might be cyclical). Hachi kembali setiap hari ke stesen keretapi Shibuya selama 10 tahun. Walaupun tidak pernah memakai jam tangan namun Hachi sentiasa menepati masa.
Sungguh hati tak tahan melihat Hachi terabai selepas pemergian Professor Ueno. Hachiko bertukar tuan dari si polan hingga si polan dan akhirnya ia memilih untuk hidup sendiri; menanti saban hari di stesen Shibuya. Tiada sesiapa yang boleh menyayangi Hachiko sebaik Proffesor Ueno, I know how you feel Hachi. People always say goodbye to Hachi, I guess Benjamin Button would have the same complaint like Hachi.
Doggy and me
My first encounter with dog is during I was 10 years old while I was carrying my sister on my bike. My mom said “Enough already, let’s come home” but of course I refused and want to cycle few more laps. When I was about to enter the gate I noticed there’s a puppy following me…yikes. I shouted and glad my father heard me. He chase the pup away effortlessly “He’s just being playful you see” he smiled.
Diploma daze: The 2nd encounter is during practical session in small animal unit. Prof Thilaga will get mad if students make a fuss about holding a dog. So I just take the challenge and was actually carrying it…umm maybe I’m kinda hug it. Since the dog is cooperative I left the unit without any scratch.
I remembered one unpleasant memory with dog. I was in small animal unit for a practical session never had breakfast and Noddy (the dog) don’t even bathe I’m not sure for how long. His smell was so nauseating. Perhaps I’m gonna go unconscious if I hadn’t left the lab soon. Actually I don’t mind going LOC but to lie down in a dog place is so uncool.
Dengan izin Allah
I’m not an animal lover. My mom afraid of cats, every time I play with cat I got a severe cough. Not even one good memory with those furry creatures. But in my heart I still love a dog….to be specific the Akita breed. You see all dogs goes to heaven namun konsep Syurga dan Neraka bagi manusia tentulah berbeza kerana manusia itu berakal.
taken from my all time fav anime Honey & Clover ep22
my bro love this dog cause it bark weirdly *adorable
most dog owner tend to be generous
Leader is Miwako-san best friend, they seems to connect well