Saturday, October 22, 2011

HB:18 by number but 15 remains in my mind

Today would have been my brother’s 18th birthday. He passed away in 2008 after 5 years battling against cancer. He left peacefully, i slept just next to him. He's a person that i think all the time especially when i'm alone. I dont talk about him much but i prefer to write so that i could hide my facial expression and tell a story.

I recalled my mom had throw away all fast food from our fridge after she learnt that my brother need chemo (of course the list is going on to biopsy..yada..yada). I cant imagine how hurt my mom was back then. There's resilient part of me felt so glad that i was in UPM and didnt witness the breakdown. Today i'm just grateful to Allah that we've made through the obstacle and come to a closure.

My brother was an obedient, funny and intelligent boy. He was once a best student in his class. I remember he said he wants to become a doctor just like doctor house (he said they got the same leg). He'd care about others and love kids so much. I wonder how he would react if he gonna be with us during raya...surrounded with infants and tods. 

things that i want to let my bro know:
  • dad have made a chicken coop and we have lots of chicks. its organic
  • i'm in fourth year and have my own stethoscope
he's the reason i develop interest in medicine, healthy eating and lifestyle revamp.

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