Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kursus kahwin di Selangor

Salam alaykum readers, selamat menyambut maulidur rasul. Semoga kita semua tergolong dalam umat Nabi Muhammad dan membudayakan al-quran dan al-sunnah.

Suka saya kongsikan sedikit akhlak Rasulullah s.a.w. Isteri nabi yang paling pandai memasak bernama Safiah manakala isteri yang kurang skill memasak tentulah isteri yang paling muda iaitu Saidatina Aisyah r.a. Pada suatu hari Aisyah memasak dan masakannya sangat masin. Nabi tidak terus mengadu malah mengajak Aisyah makan bersama katanya nak mengulangi saat macam mula2 nikah dulu iaitu makan bersuap. Aisyah menyuap roti yang dicicah kuah kepada Nabi, Nabi makan. Sampai giliran Nabi, dicicahnya roti tu lama sikit biar kuahnya meresap dan disuap ke mulut Aisyah. Aisyah yang baru tersedar masakannya masin terus meminta maaf pada suaminya namun Nabi hanya berkata "Barangkali mulut kamu yang terasa masin, bagiku makan ini sedap" I wish I could find someone who would appreciate me & my cooking <3    

Cuti hujung minggu baru ini saya telah melakukan sesuatu yang menguntungkan iaitu menghadiri kursus kahwin. Harga kursus pra-perkahwinan di Selangor setakat ini ialah RM80. Mungkin rezeki, kursus di MSU adalah separuh harga iaitu RM40 untuk 2 hari. Alhamdulillah sijil kursus dah dapat. Selepas ini (tak tahu bila) kursus pra-perkahwinan akan dijalankan selama 1 minggu membabitkan penggubalan kurikulum baru dan format baru. Dengar kata siap ada qiamullail. Seorang sahabat yang sudah bernikah sungguh excited dengan berita itu, katanya barulah ada feel umrah (sahabat ini sungguh rindu mahu kembali ke Mekah).

Perbezaan kursus di kampus dan di luar
Jimat RM40, makan nasi bungkus xle tambah, dapat buku dan pamphlet yang basic, suasana ceria sebab ramai student
Okla RM80, caterer hidang nasi, dapat buku dan pamphlet yang banyak, suasana xmeriah sangat sebab orang2 dewasa ni sguh serius (ma fren said)
Setelah berkursus selama 2 hari
Saya merasakan telah mendapat satu roh Islami yang sudah lama tidak dirasai + I’ve just realize perkahwinan tidak mudah (dapat satu kesedaran yang mendalam). Kos nikah di Selangor ialah RM500 termasuk upah jurunikah, mas kahwin RM300 dan lain2. Kenduri, MUA dan OP lain kira ye. Modul kursus pula senang difahami kerana penceramah membuatkan istilah agama difahami oleh orang kebanyakan. Tidak lupa juga saya sering tertawa sepanjang kursus kerana penceramahnya memang memahami jiwa peserta yang mudah tertidur seperti saya.

Dulu dan sekarang
Kata ustaz, 10 tahun yang lalu kursus pra-perkahwinan membabitkan beberapa modul latihan dalam kumpulan. Alhamdulillah kursus pra-perkahwinan kini telah dipermudahkan untuk kemaslahatan umum. Proses nikah dulu agak mem'terror'kan pengantin lelaki kerana tok kadi gemar bertanya soalan fekah dll. Kini, setelah golongan kadi beralih kepada generasi yang baru + mungkin juga sudah ramai kadi yang belajar psikologià proses akad nikah menjadi cepat dan ringkas. Kata ustaz Jahrin, beliau selalu menikahkan orang dalam masa 15 minit (termasuk khutbah nikah). Kadi sekarang sudah pandai melawak untuk ice breaking dan mengurangkan debar pengantin lelaki.
Rukun Nikah yang belum cukup
  1. Pengantin lelaki: ibu2 bapak2 tolong aku
  2. Pengantin perempuan: dah ada cuma perlu jadi muslimah yang lebih baik agar membudayakan al-quran dalam kehidupan & memperbaiki akhlak. Dahla belajar xhabis lagi <--byk masalah tul
  3. Wali: xde hal
  4. Saksi: cari je sape2 yang lapang time tu
  5. Akad: sila rujuk bullet no.1

Tips sebelum pergi kursus kahwin
  • Pastikan anda lapang dan tidak tergesa-gesa: apa salahnya kursus dulu walaupun belum ada calon. Sijil kursus tu valid sampai bila2. Nak nikah 4-5 kali pun guna sijil tu je.
  • Lebih baik pergi dengan kawan sejantina: I went with my girlfriends, seronok gelak sama2 dan bisik-bisik. Kalau datang dengan tunang pun tempat duduk muslimin dan muslimat memang akan diasingkan, so I recommend coming with your friend.
  • Bawa bekal gula-gula atau kopi: walaupun ceramah-nya kelakar jangan sangka syaitan tidak akan bergayut di kelopak mata. Oleh itu bawa bekal secukupnya.
  • Pakaian: senang citer menutup aurat kerana akak2 semua bakal menghadiri majlis ilmu agama. Kalau pakai selendang ala nampak jambul, kain belah2 susah malaikat nak catit pahala.
Oleh itu selamat berkursus buat mereka yang bakal menghadiri kursus pra-perkahwinan. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda , “Barangsiapa beramal tanpa ilmu maka apa yang dirusaknya jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan yang diperbaikinya.” Wallahualam.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

review & rules: hair product that i used

I’m in the mood of detangling my hair crisis. When I was little I think I have a cute hair almost like this.
The cute hair seems have ceased with time and turned into something unhealthy looking not ladylike either. 
I’ve been living with a lion hair (frizzy + not to mention coarse hair gene inheritance) for most of my adulthood until one day my hairstylist suggest a revamp on my hair care regime. She suggested a hair treatment. It works wonder! The structure of hair has been smoothen out like it’s been sealed with ceramide. I feel like Kim Kardashian already.
Here I present you the RULES to beautiful hair which could take you higher:

It’s all about conditioning
-I realize after many years of hunting the right shampoo actually shampoo just cleanse but conditioner will determine how your hair will look like when it’s dry. Not saying shampooing is not important but if I have to choose between good quality shampoo or good quality conditioner I definitely will choose the later
-ever since I tried salon grade conditioner I just can’t wash my hair without it. Still thinking what should I use when I’m broke and no Bonacure left
Purchased at salon supply shop at GM, I forked out RM45. Buy 1 free 1. I gotta say Bonacure Schwarzkopf Conditioner is a value buy. The conditioner doesnt leave a sticky feeling like Clairol Herbal Essence conditioner and it feels lighter than Satinique (Amway) and L'oreal conditioner(the drugstore version).

Hair mask
Secret to celebrity-like hair is do treatment regularly. Mask will give nutrition to your hair and transform the overall look. 
I just wash my hair with warm water --> apply the mask --> put on shower cap --> do other stuff --> rinse off. After treatment it feels like there's an air to my hair. Works best if you have steamer. L'oreal absolut repair mask is the first mask that i bought so i don't have much opinion about it. The consistency is thicker than conditioner and it smells great too. Purchased at salon supply shop at GM for RM53.

Always consider salon grade product
Once I started salon product I think the drug store shampoo is more suitable for those who doesn’t need special care. Ya know, if you were born with beautiful hair like Ella then you don’t have to waste money on salon product. Gunakan bahan2 yang alami sudah cukup…santan, mayonis (none of ‘em works on me)

Extra cash, pay a visit to salon
I couldn’t tell how much I love it but I have to come to my senses that good things didn’t come so often so that’s why I started to do hair treatment at home. Maybe I could save up some money and went travelling(yes, i'm dreaming)

Neway, good luck!! at this moment this is what i do and believe.

I want to be a philantrophist

Recently i visited a widow in my kampong, her husband died 2weeks ago because of IHD. She had 3 sons, no job and hubby dont have a pension. When i was sitting on the couch one of the son came and actually rub my ring. He seemed enchanted with the diamonds. Deep down inside i felt sorry for him. Sorry kiddo i can't do much coz i’m in debt & have many things to do with my limited money. By choosing career in medical field i hope that i can do things differently as i have a better access to human.

Social illness arise from poverty
I’m really afraid of being poor and peniless. I know the Prophet is not a richman but he had a pure soul which is protective.Didn’t mean to look down on lower economic social class but it’s true. When you have no money you tend to save everything for yourself, you don’t care about others and even worst you do everything (legal or illegal) for survival, people can use you easily to fullfill their goal, you have poor access to healthcare and education and can’t afford to buy house in a good neighborhood. It’s like the chain of infection.

If money is not an issue
I hope that i can help my friend or anyone who are in need. I want them to have a better future by helping them finding their own fishing rod. I remember talking to a mother that looks after her daughter in ward. The daughter had drank organophosphate in attempt of suicide simply because she don’t feel loved. She don’t feel loved when her father can’t afford to buy her a handphone/ provides a computer at home. Daughter start to mingle around inapropriate friends and escaped school. The family is in debt and about to loose their house cause the father who’d work as a technician failed to pay mortgage for 3 months. Mother didn’t work and can’t read, father is the sole bread winner. 

I wish that government will work more efficiently or shud we just do what Egyptian did?(don't answer my rethoric Q) Sometimes the poor people don’t even know where to find help. This is where a doctor roles come into play like sending the case for social department review, at least JKM will get noted about the family. Thanks God finally i know how it works here.

Do I know what philantrophist is?
First time i heard it was when i watched The Duke. It’s man’s magazine programe which cater my curiousity on how guys look fabulous. So it featured this guy named Dylan Wilk. Prince Charles lend him some money to start a business. Long story short he became the 9th richest man in England. After sometime he  get bored with Ferrari and all fancy stuff. Went to Phillipines to help poor people. There’s an organisation called Gawad Kalinga which provides safe home for poor and he started from there. Cool huh?! 

Dear Prince Charles, pls lend me some money for medical school :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

pisang goreng (fried banana)

salam alaykum readers,
terima kasih kerana singgah! pisang goreng cicah sambal kicap memang sedap. tempting gitu bila makan masakan kawan yang rajin memasak padahal niat asal nak tumpang solat je. tiba2 ada pisang goreng. dah joki nak buek camno...makan ajolah. jujurnya saya baru tahu orang johor, nogori dan sesetengah tempat di Malaysia makan pisang goreng cicah kicap. kalau org Trg makan pisang goreng cicah sos keropok saya sudah sedia maklum.

my fren is from nogori so ini resepi pisang goreng versi N9:
  1. tepung gandum + serbuk kunyit + garam +air- campur hingga dapat satu adunan yang sesuai untuk meliputi pisang, not too runny not too thick
pisang tanduk- potong serong2, ketebalan 1.5cm
    Sambal Kicap:
    kicap manis+ gula+ garam+ cili api+ bawang putih (sikit je mungkin 1/2 ulas just to taste)
    Well, below are my first attempt to make her version of fried banana after been craving for it sumtime

    part paling best ialah menggunakan pisang tanduk yang sudah masak ranum. sooo swheett!!. the sweetness from pisang tanduk complements the sambal kicap very well.

    Batter (my mum's version):
    1. tepung beras+ air+ air kapur sikit (supaya kriuk2 nya rangup ) + serbuk kunyit+ garam
    2. my mum usually use pisang abu or pisang nangka.....it smells very fragrant
    setelah makan pisang goreng versi Trg...Selangor dan nogori dapatlah disimpulkan sumenya sedap. yet you can't over indulge yourself with 'em everyday. i prefer to made 'em myself coz i dont have to worry about the oil. i prefer not to reuse oil for frying.....secret recipe to block the coronary artery is using low quality oil for frying and reuse them many times.

    pisang goreng Terengganu: kerak2 halus dan berhabuk, kerak tu rmai suka makan cam nasi *used to be my style
    pisang goreng S'ngor+nogori: keraknya rangup, melekat kat pisang je. ringan, xsekeras efek kerak tepung beras Trg. 

    Thursday, February 3, 2011

    posting my convocation pic

    Hari Konvokesyen merupakan antara titik bersejarah dalam hidup anda. Bayangkan setelah banyak insiden di jabatan akaun, tidur lewat untuk menyiapkan assignment coz your group members don't even have a sound mind to make a good-edited slide dan banyak lagi episod suka duka ketika tempoh mengerjakan ijazah pertama, akhirnya jubah itu berjaya disarungkan ke tubuhku!! Syukur Ya Allah

    Sebenarnya entri ini mungkin sambungan sahaja daripada entri INI cuma part ambik gambar sakan lebih ditekankan di sini. Maklumlah kali pertama mengupah jurugambar professional. Team fotografer Adiksi ni sebenanrnya freelancer yang bertapak di Shah Alam. Oleh kerana konvo kami di MSU Shah Alam kami pun memilih Adiksi Arts, dahla dekat harga berpatutan pulak tu mereka pun sangat terbuka mendengar pendapat kami dan senang kira.

    Untuk fotografi kumpulan ni sepatutnya 2 fotografer iaitu Apar dan Kodie buat photo shoot dengan kami..sungguh tiada rezeki hari itu tiba2 Kodie kena chickenpox. Hujan lebat melambatkan Apar untuk sampai di MSU. Alhamdulillah we still get to manage everything including the makcik who'd been telling us "Dah kena hantar jubah ni, kalau lambat kena hantar kat Batu Caves!!"cheapskate sguh la. tell me who made that cheapskating policy...UPM xde mcm ni tau.

    Since tomorrow is CNY holiday and I'm still unwell it's good to have something that reminds me about one of the highest point in my life. Long story short....enjoy the pic. tell me what you think ;)
    i remember we hired a photographer to superimpose my long gone brother to the picture coz we never had family pic taken

    candid is cool...wonder how they keep responding to camera all the time

    yup, a male subject definitely harmonize the pic well

    descend from the sky

    scholar throne

    shud work on how to pose alone.....well that is typical me

    foot that made the whole journey, no heights required

    take your time

    guardian and the angels

    young and dangerous

    Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee-Muhammad Ali

    thanks for dropping by